Our new Weekly Conversion Report service is a standalone program for manufacturers who don’t currently work with us but want a better understanding of their marketing ROI.

I began offering very simple conversion reports to clients in 2018; the more I analyzed data and applied it, the better my team and I became at creating websites for manufacturers that deliver real leads.

Today, all our clients get a Weekly Conversion Report — which helps us and them see their program and/or website is working.

Under the hood, we use Matomo Analytics versus GA4; our Conversion Reporting service is designed specifically for smaller manufacturers and their unique data sets.

Many thanks to my son, James, who spent a few weeks automating my manual process and learning Matomo Analytics. Thank you to Rachel Cunliffe who created the gorgeous report template, and to her brother Stephen Merriman who helped us with Matomo’s Tag Manager function.

I have the absolute best team. Put us to work for you!

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