2015-b2b-web-usability-cover What B2B Buyers Want from Vendor Websites

Developed by Huff Industrial Marketing and my colleagues, Derek Edmond and Casie Gillette of KoMarketing, the 27-page 2015 B2B Web Usability Report includes data from over 35 survey questions and features seven key research findings, 18 data charts, and 24 key takeaways on how vendors can facilitate the sales process using their websites.

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Of the seven research findings, B2B vendors will find four of particular interest:

  • Buyers need thorough contact information in order to move forward with a vendor, yet it’s this information that’s most often lacking on a vendor website.
  • A huge disconnect still exists between the content assets buyers want and the assets vendors provide.
  • The impact of social media and blogging on the buyer journey is significantly less of a factor than marketers have assumed.
  • And, buyers leave and return to vendor websites multiple times during their research process.

The report was made possible by BuyerZone, which connects buyers and sellers. The BuyerZone website features over 8,000 sellers and reaches thousands of buyers every month.

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